The Government, with the purpose of creating a Constitutional Framework for the different measures that were being taken and for those that would be taken around the Sanitary Crisis caused by the expansion of the Coronavirus that plagues the entire world, and with the clear signs and evidences of their existence already in our country; By Decree Number 42/2020, dated March 31th, declared the State of Sanitary Alarm and measures for the prevention, containment and control of this pandemic were issued in our country.
Considering, therefore, that the validity of said Decree was thirty days, its expiration period coinciding with the 15th of this month of April, date on which new contagions, both local and imported, continue to occur; It is necessary to extend the validity of these measures in the terms set forth in Article 2 of the aforementioned Decree, as well as the establishment of others that demand the current circumstances.
Considering also that the evolution of events have given us greater experience in the fight against this pandemic; An extension of the measures contained in this Decree 42/2020 is therefore necessary, in accordance with the provisions of the first additional provision of the same.
For all the above, and through this Order in accordance with the powers that concern me article 23.e of the Law on Legal Regime of the General Administration of the State, I have:
Article 1.- The validity of Decree number 42/2020, dated March 31, is extended for a period of 15 days, declaring the State of Health Alert and measures for the prevention, containment and control of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID 19) in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea.
Article 2.1.- The circulation of vehicles and people between districts of the entire Insular Region is suspended until April 30, so that all districts of the Insular Region are placed in isolation, prohibiting the exchange of flows of people and vehicles from one district to another.
2.2.- The circulation of ambulances, firefighters, vehicles of the company SEGESA, GETESA, National Security, Ministry of Defense and garbage collection vehicles is excepted from this prohibition. For the circulation of the vehicles of the companies that transport materials to undertake infrastructure and service works, they must request an authorization from the Prime Minister, who, upon agreement, will instruct the Director General of Traffic to issue it; in any case, said vehicles may not carry personnel on board.
Article 3.- The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forests and Environment is responsible for organizing, together with the groups and individual producers of basic foodstuffs, the transportation of the same and the people who sell them, by trucks, from the different points of the island to the city of Malabo to supply the markets.
Article 4.1.- The total isolation of people is provided so that their exit to the streets is totally prohibited, except for situations of urgent need or force majeure, such as travel to health centers, markets or pharmacies, and jobs, in which case they must permanently wear masks and gloves and a credential issued by the President of the Neighborhood Community authorizing said departures, which will not accrue any right to collection.
4.2.- All companies are urged to dispense their employees with accreditations that justify their exits and entrances for assistance to jobs.
4.3.- The company SEGESA is ordered not to cut off the electricity to its customers during the period indicated in this Order, as no citizen can travel to pay their electricity bills.
Article 5.1.- All shops, stores, factories are closed during this 15-day period; except for supermarkets, markets exclusively for food sales, grocery stores, laundries or pressing, pharmacies and clinics.
5.2.- Shops for the sale of construction material, materials for electronic spare parts and various mechanical parts, such as vehicles, etc .; For this purpose, Cuatro, Ryesa, Fifti Fifti, Ventage of Cocoteros, Ventage Km5 and Cerámico stores will be open.
5.3.- All the restaurants and bars are also closed, being able to dispense food only through home delivery.
Article 7.- The vessels between Douala and Malabo that transport merchandise, food and provisions, their crew may not under any circumstances go ashore.
Article 8.- Clinics are obliged to transfer their patients who show symptoms of fever, cough and respiratory distress to the reference hospitals in the country, according to the indications of the Technical Committee.
Article 9.- The members of the State Armed and Security Forces, under the instructions of their hierarchical superiors, shall ensure strict compliance with the provisions of this order.
Additional Provisions
First. – The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of the Interior and Corporations, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Civil Aviation, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Craft Promotion and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation are empowered to take whatever provisions are necessary to the best application of this release.
Second.- The Technical Committee for Response and Surveillance of the new Coronavirus COVID 19 in the Continental Region is empowered, headed by the Minister of the Interior and Local Corporations and assisted by the Deputy Director General of National Security, the Governors, the Government Delegates, for strict compliance with the provisions of this statement during the period of the crisis.
Derogatory provision
Any provisions of the same or lower rank that oppose the provisions of this Order are hereby repealed.
Final disposition
This Order enters into force tomorrow, March 15th, without prejudice to its extension by the national media and in the Official State Gazette.
Given in Malabo, April 14th, 2020
For a Better Guinea
The Prime Minister of the Government
Francisco Pascual Obama Asue